Home for the Christian Songwriter.

“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.” - Psalm 40:3


  1. Making room at the table

  2. Raising a championing culture

  3. Awakening dreams, purpose and songs

  4. Clearing a path for the next generation

  5. Carrying a spirit of reconciliation for the Church and the music industry


We exist to answer the call to “be what you need” in the lives of Kingdom-minded songwriters through relationship, resources and releases.


To build people, songs, and community for this generation and beyond. 



Many world-changing songs have been lying dormant, locked inside isolated hearts wrapped in fear and insecurity.  But when those hearts step into the Song Barn, they begin to feel different.  They feel an atmosphere of love and acceptance.  The barn is not connected to any one label, publisher, or church, but feels like a place of reconciliation for all.  There are encouraging messages all over the walls, like “You Now Have Permission to Dream.”  Maybe for the first time, they feel like they have a creative safe place, where there is always room at the table.  They walk past the community room and see a Brave Worship Women Coffee in progress.  A lot of conversations are happening at the coffee bar, and they begin to connect with others.   They schedule a write in one of the writer’s rooms upstairs.  At 9:30 AM, all the writers gather in the main room of the barn and sing a psalm and pray before heading upstairs to the writing rooms.  During the write, when they are stuck, they simply walk outside the door and realize someone they needed help from was right outside the door in the writer’s lounge.  Songwriters in this place are championing one another!  They finish as a team.  As they come back down the stairs, they see a course being taught in the Community Room with a worship team from out of town, learning the foundations of songwriting together. They decide to have dinner together there at the coffee bar because soon after, there is a writer’s round, where they can share the song they just finished that day.  At the end of the event, they sign up for a Writing Worship conference happening in a couple of months.  They realize that in this community, songwriting is a beautiful outflow of relationships with God first and then others, and they have truly found a home.  


For Kingdom-minded songwriters, it seems there is everything they need in one place!  The Writing Worship resources are a clear path to follow.  From the Writing Worship book, to the courses, to the mentorship, to the writing days, it’s a songwriter’s dream.  Not only for the individual songwriter, but also for church worship teams.  Week by week, more and more come through as a team to go through some of the resources together, learning how to establish a songwriting culture in their church in a healthy way.  The staple classes are offered on a regular schedule, but there are new resources released all the time.  


It’s clear that the Song Barn is a place of release.  Releasing songs--sometimes birthed right there in the writing rooms.  Songs it seemed the world needed to hear are recorded during live worship nights, marketed, and distributed.  Releasing writers--from the fear, insecurity, and inhibition they had before.  Releasing teams--the ones that come to be trained up are sent back to their home church ready to write songs for their congregations.  Releasing lives--into the destinies God has called them to.  

This is a 500-year vision - for our generation and the next generation to continue.  

Ray Hughes says “Love people into their purpose.” 

We know that by loving songwriters, not only do their hearts thrive, but their music does too. 

With the music that will carry the gospel into the future.